Chaplain's Corner Podcast

Sowing Seed: Understanding Why God's Word Doesn't Always Yield 100%

Chaplain Terry Warner Season 4 Episode 34

Ever wondered why the perfect Word of God doesn't always yield a 100% return? Join Captain Terry Warner as he uncovers the mysteries behind "Sowing Seed: Your Foundation Scriptures" in Season 4, Episode 34. We delve into why even the purest of seeds—the Word of God—faces challenges in reaping a full harvest. Drawing from key scriptures in Luke 8:5-15, Mark 4:24-34, and Matthew 13:8, Captain Terry explores the impact of soil quality and environmental conditions on both physical and spiritual yields. Get ready to understand the true essence of seed time and harvest as we navigate through the complexities of our world and how it affects our spiritual growth.

In this enlightening episode, Captain Terry shares powerful analogies between physical farming principles and spiritual truths, emphasizing the importance of diet, exercise, and rest for a fruitful spiritual life. Learn how the right "diet" of absorbing God's Word into your heart can lead to abundant and sufficient outcomes, even amidst life's unpredictable factors. Whether you aim to nurture your family or boost your income, the episode promises insights on adapting and modifying your actions for the best results. Tune in to grasp how sowing the Word of God can consistently produce positive results, regardless of external challenges.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Speaker 1:

Hello friend, captain Terry Warner here. Today's episode or podcast is Sowing Seed, your Foundation Scriptures. Let me back up a little bit. It will be Season 4, episode 34. That's correct, s4e34. Sowing Seed, your foundation scriptures will be Luke 8, 5-15, mark 4, 24-34, and Matthew 13, verse 8.

Speaker 1:

Living in a farming community, where I live, we should understand seed time and harvest is all tied together. We should understand that. I'd be willing to say most of us, a lot of us, really don't. We get the idea. We plant our seed, we water it, we pray for rain, we irrigate it or whatever, and then we get our harvest. And that's true, we do that. But there's so much more that goes on behind the scenes that we don't know about.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 13 8 says still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. If the seed is the word of God, why doesn't it have 100% return? I mean, it's God's word, it's God's seed, there'd be nothing wrong with the seed, it would be perfect seed. So why doesn't it always yield 100% return? Well, one observation is the soil. Even though it is good soil, it is still under a curse. That happened when Adam gave all this over to the devil and even though Jesus bought it back and redeemed us and the earth from the curse that Adam was under put on by the devil, we still live in a world that's fallen and sinful and hateful and everything else.

Speaker 1:

Excuse me just a second. Okay, I'm back. Sorry about that. Can you guess what I did? Yes, I silenced all my phones and computers and everything else. I hope I got them all turned off. If not, I apologize. Now where was I?

Speaker 1:

If we sow a good seed seed that's 100% pure, in other words the Word of God if we sow that, why doesn't it always reproduce or produce 100% return? Because the ground's under a curse. Sometimes it rains on it, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we irrigate, we over-irrigate, sometimes we don't pay attention to when we irrigate, we just there's a lot of factors. It may be too hot, it may be too cold. We just settled in the month of August here and we turned cold. It was 57 degrees. One settled in the month of august here and we turned cold. It was 57 degrees. One morning in the month of august. Things like that mess it up.

Speaker 1:

So you don't get 100 return, but you will get enough return that anything you come across in your life. If you sow the word of god into it, it's going to produce, and it's going to produce a bountiful crop, and it's going to be sufficient enough to do whatever it is you need it to do. It will feed whatever you need it to feed. It will feed your family. It will feed your income. The sowing, the seed, especially the word of God, will produce positive results every single time. If it doesn't, if it fails, something like that, it's not a problem with God, it's a problem with you. Suck it up, buttercup. In other words, there are factors that are out of our control, so we are forced to adapt, modify and perform certain tasks that will help us get the best results as possible.

Speaker 1:

There are three main principles in the physical world that will also work in the spirit world, and they work whether you're doing spiritual things or whether you're doing physical things. They are diet, exercise and rest. Now wait a minute, brother Terry. Wait a minute. Hold up right there. I'm not talking about losing weight. I'm not talking about losing weight either. I'm talking about if you have the correct diet. What is the correct diet?

Speaker 1:

Putting the Word of God into your heart, eating His Word, so to speak. His words are spirit and they are life and your spirit food is the Word of God. That's what goes into your heart and when it goes into your heart it will find good soil, it will find moderate soil and it will find poor soil. And I'd be willing to say and a lot of us we got weeds and briars and thistles growing in our heart. Hate, anger, bad words, attitude, chip on your shoulder. Those are things that are going to stop or definitely hinder your production of word. Why do I want to sow God's word in my life anyway? Why don't I just ask for my prayers to be answered? Because you don't prosper physically unless you prosper spiritually. It's the spirit who gives life. It's the spirit who gives you the power to gain wealth and prosperity. Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. In order for your souls to prosper, you can feed it oatmeal all day long and it's not going to produce a spiritual or a soulish product. The soul actually is enmity. It needs to be renewed every day with the word of God, the washing of the water, with the word.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting sidetracked, going down a rabbit hole here. But the first thing is they are your diet. The word of God is your diet. It's what you eat, it's what you hear. The word of God is your exercise. Not only do I eat the word and believe the word and sow the word, I also have to do the word. When I do the word, then I am watering it, taking care of it and seeing to it that the word produces in my life. How much God produces in my life is up to me. The closer I can get to God, the more God I can eat, the more God I can put in on my spirit man and feed my spirit man. The more of God, the more of his word, logos, rhema the more of his word that I can put in my heart, the more dynamic, powerful, productive, successful man of God I'm going to be. And if I'm all of those things, man of the physical world is a piece of cake. I don't want the physical world anyway, because life and eternal life is the result of good word in my heart.

Speaker 1:

And the third factor is rest. Once I have spoken the word, fed on the word, ate the word, put the word in my heart, meditated on the word and put it down in there I can rest and relax, knowing that whatever is meant for me will work out for my good. I am more than a conqueror. Through Jesus Christ I can do all things through Jesus Christ, who gives me strength. In him I live and move and have my being. I am a king and a priest. Praise the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Diet is where we control what we eat or, in this case, what we hear. The word of God is our bread and water, our fundamental food group that will feed our spirit man Matthew 4.4,. Man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God Proverbs 4.22,. For they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. There you are good health. If you want good health, you want to lose weight. I'll tell you how to lose weight in just a few minutes.

Speaker 1:

You are what you eat. How many times have we heard that your spirit man has to eat and he can't get by on one cold snack a week and nothing to eat during the week. You can't get by on a verse a day. Reading your little promise box every morning is not. Reading your little promise notes, reading your Bible, reading a chapter a day is not going to cut it, because that's just for one moment of time and you happen to live in your spirit man 24 hours a day. What's going to get you victorious is to live and move and have your being 24-7 in God, in Christ, in Jesus, in Him, in whom Find out who you are in God's eyes.

Speaker 1:

Profanity coming out of your mouth comes from the heart of a man. Profane words are literally poison to all of your spirit, soul and body. By the way, words that are unbelief and doubt are poison as well. You are what you eat. Your ears are how your spirit man eats. What are you eating? Hearing News, sports, social media, in addition to hearing, another way of gorging yourself on spirit food is through your eyes.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, I have images in my head from Vietnam that are constantly reminding me of unpleasant memories. How do I control that? When I think of those things, I immediately think of the Word of God and I just put the Word of God in front of my eyes and I just read my Word. Just read the Word and that will take those images out of there, but the devil will put them back in there. The devil also works 24-7. He's the soulish end of it, and his job is to try to destroy you and make you ashamed to be called a Christian.

Speaker 1:

What am I getting at in this article? That we, as human beings, have loved darkness and have shunned the light of life so much that, for most of us, we are trapped in a downward spiral of defeatism and apathy. Boy, this country has got a spirit of apathy that needs to wake up or we're going to find ourselves really in a bad spot. We're getting close to deciding whether this country is going to work and live and help the world for God or whether it's going to go down in tubes. And God's got a lot of interest in this country.

Speaker 1:

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs and laws. We need to get back to the basics and we need to recognize we have got a demonic spirit trying to take over this country right now, in our elections, in our laws, in our border policies, in everything, trying to tear us down. Well, are we going to let it work and let it just go in and sit there and eat popcorn or eat chips and drink a beer while we watch our sports, eat chips and drink a beer while we watch our sports, or are we going to get up and start getting in shape and put the Word of God in our mouth and in our lips and start believing it in our heart and saying it out our mouth and take back our country like it's supposed to be? We have children and grandchildren to think about. It's not going to hurt us near as much as it's going to hurt them. We don't want that, children.

Speaker 1:

There's something wrong. Not only is there something wrong, it is just flat wrong. It's not something wrong, it's against the law of God, it's against the law of humanity, it's against the law of decency, it's against the law of everything to support and have abortion. I rest my case by His grace and through faith in His Son, jesus Christ. I rest my case. We were born again, not of a corruptible seed, but an incorruptible seed of Jesus Christ, and he paid that debt and defeated the devil. That seed did and we get a 100%, full return when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We are saved 100% return on God's seed that he put in us and we're born again. Now the pathway to God is through his son, jesus Christ. Ask him into your life today and then start building your spiritual body, so when he returns, which is going to be pretty soon, you will get to go to heaven and have eternal life. You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning. When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website. If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out. Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry. Thank you so much for listening to Chaplain Terry's podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name. Amen, I pray for you right now. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you. I pray for you.