Chaplain's Corner Podcast

Unlocking the Power of Words: Spiritual Significance and Transformative Practices

Chaplain Terry Warner Season 4 Episode 32

Can words shape our reality and determine our destiny? Tune in to our latest episode, "God is Not Mocked," as we unpack the incredible power words hold and their profound spiritual significance. Drawing insights from Galatians 6:6-7, we emphasize how words, like containers, carry images that shape our thoughts and actions. We'll explore the contrast between human speech and God's divine word, urging you to align your words with God's spirit to manifest life and meaning. Reflective discussions on scriptures like John 6:63, Amos 3:3, and Matthew 12:36 will provide a deeper understanding of the accountability we hold for every word we speak, inspired by the biblical creation narrative and the roles of Adam and Eve.

In the transformative chapter "Change Your Heart, Change Your Words," learn how internalizing and living by God's Word can revolutionize your speech and behavior. Proverbs 4:4-7 and 4:20-27 guide our conversation on the vital role of wisdom and understanding in shaping a heart-driven life of abundance, health, and spiritual growth. We also delve into the spiritual practices of praying in tongues and prophecy, encouraging you to seek deeper edification and connection. Lastly, in "Word of God for Success," we highlight the importance of immersing yourself in God's Word for prosperity, healing, and eternal life. Join us for an enriching discussion that promises to inspire and transform your spiritual journey.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Speaker 1:

Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner here. The title of this podcast is God is Not Mocked, season 4, episode 32. It will publish on August 5, 2024. Your foundation scripture will be Galatians 6, 6-7.

Speaker 1:

What is or what are words? They are actually containers. They carry images and when spoken, they make or form images in a person's brain. If I say dog, you immediately form a picture in your brain and probably think of your dog, or a Pacific dog in particular. Let me pause for a minute and say good morning, a good day to you and thank you for joining me. Didn't mean to get going there A lot to cover. Didn't mean to get going there A lot to cover. You could say I planted a seed and when I spoke the word dog, it immediately sprouted and grew into maturity. That caused you to see in your mind a dog.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when we plant seeds using words, it takes a while for them to mature or raise a crop, or to grow and to be harvested. Some seeds are harvested immediately, almost immediately, and some seeds take years. Your words are seeds and that's how you bring things into existence, with your words over, being over, ruled and carried out by God's words. Amos 3.3 says how can two of you walk together unless you be in agreement. You cannot walk a Christian life if you're not in agreement with God. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So we see that the words we speak actually form pictures within our minds and by carefully rearranging words we can tell stories, convey thoughts, manipulate others. We can manipulate ourselves and control everything that concerns us. So where are our words formed? Where do they come from? If you said word comes from your brains, well, you would be incorrect. Since we know that God created man, then we can understand why God gave us the ability to speak words. Words give us the ability to communicate and fellowship with our creator, god. They also give us the ability to communicate with others on this earth. Everything, from people, including animals and stuff, obey commands. The animals are not able to respond back. Oh, they can make calling sounds and mating calls and things like that, but they cannot develop, thought and form their words and choose their words in order to produce results where man can.

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Where does God get his words? Where do we get our words? Jesus being God, said it is the Spirit who gives life, he is the life giver. The flesh, or your five senses see, hear, touch, taste and smell, conveys, transports or carries no benefit whatever. There is no profit in it. The words that Jesus has been speaking to us are spirit and life. The words we speak, as long as they are God's word, will be spirit and life. John 6, 63 amplified, plus Chaplain Terry's added definition on that.

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So then we see or understand that God forms his words from his spirit or his center or his heart, his core or his very intricate and detailed center of his being. Praise God. Then we can understand and comprehend that man was formed from the dust of the earth. And only when God imported his words, by speaking to them, into the man, man became a living being made in the image and likeness of God, and because of his ability to speak he was able to communicate and control and rule this world. God did not need this world. It was not necessary for him to live. We have to have this world in order to stay here on this earth. And if you're going to do anything on this earth, you've got to be a man or a woman. You can't be some kind of hybrid. You can't be a devil. If you're going to control things according to God's word and his plan, you've got to be created in God's image and likeness and his words have to be in your heart, not in your brain, in your heart. Excuse me just a minute. Okay, I'm back. Invariably I cannot remember to turn the phone off, so I apologize for the interruption. So then we see or understand that God forms his words from his spirit or his center, or his heart, his core or his very intricate and detailed center of his being. Then we can understand and comprehend that man was formed from the dust of the earth. And only when God imported his words, by speaking to them, into the man, man became a living being made in the image and likeness of God. Where did God put his word? He put it in the heart of man. He put them in the heart of man. He did not put them in his brain. The brain or the mind is enmity against God. That's flesh, that's earth, has no life in it. It is the spirit of man, the core, the heart of man, that determines the life and his eternal destiny.

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Because God brought man into existence, man was given the responsibility, by using words, to control and govern this creation from the throne of God, going down the chain of command to us. From Adam, god removed a rib or a part of Adam's core and formed Eve. And then man was made in two equal parts, one part being a man and the other part being a woman or a man with a womb male and female, created he them. The woman part was to be a helpmate or to come alongside Adam, so Adam would be complete and the two would work together to cultivate and rule the universe. To cultivate and rule the universe, matthew 11. Excuse me here just a minute, matthew 12, 36, but I tell you, on the day of judgment, men will have to give an account for every idle, inoperative, non-working word they speak.

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And the reason I jumped to the New Testament. I want you to stop and think about this. God put man on this earth. He gave Adam and Eve charge of it to rule it and till it, it and work it and control it and take dominion over it and multiply and replenish the earth to make it productive and beautiful. And one of the first things man did was Eve ate the fruit of the tree. She was not supposed to do and Adam turned and gave it to Adam and he ate it too. And Adam gave this creation over to the devil, and the devil usurped authority took advantage of Adam and Eve and became the god of this world.

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He's a fallen angel, he's not a true God and everything he got, he lied, killed, stole or steal destroyed. He got everything by being crooked and dishonest and consequently, that's why evil has such chaos and confusion and hatred and just rage within it. It's because it's not built out of love, it's built out of trying to overthrow God. Matthew 12, 34-37, 34. You offspring of vipers or poisonous snakes. How can you speak good things when you are evil, wicked? For out of the fullness or overflow, the superabundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man, from his inner good treasure, flings forth good things, and an evil man, out of his inner evil storehouse, flings forth evil things. But I tell you, on the day of judgment, men will have to give an account for every idle, inoperative, non-working word they speak For. By your words you will be condemned and sentenced. So let's take a look now.

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Let's jump down to the parable of the sower, because this is the main parable that's going to. If you understand this parable, all the other parables come into clarity. Why does God speak to us in parables? And first things? Matthew 13, 13. This is the reason I speak to them in parables? Because, having the power of seeing, they do not see, and having the power of hearing, they do not hear. Matthew 12, 38. Would see a sign from you Now? Jesus had just gone through several parables explaining the kingdom words, how they're sown, how they're planted, how they're watered, and what do the Pharisees do? They don't believe the word. So, consequently, what do they ask for? They ask for a sign. If they would ask, how do you plant these seeds, how do you care for these seeds, jesus would have given them a very clear understanding of how to get along and walk with God.

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Look at Proverbs 4, 4-7. Then we're going to drop down to Proverbs 4, 20 through 27. But let's look at Proverbs 4, 4 through 7. First, proverbs 4, starting in verse 4. He taught me and said to me Let your heart hold fast my words, keep my commandments and live. Get skillful and godly wisdom. Get understanding, discernment, comprehension and interpretation. Do not forget and do not turn back from the words of your mouth or the words of my mouth. Forsake not wisdom and she will keep, defend and protect you. James 1.5 is a good reference for that. Now we drop down to Proverbs 4, verse 21.

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Let them I'm talking about words still Let me back up to verse 20. My son, attend to my words, consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight. Keep them in the center of your heart, for they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. Keep and guard your heart with all diligence and, above all, that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life, or, king James says, the issues of life. Put away from you false and dishonest speech and willful and contrary talk. Put far from you. Let your eyes look right on with fixed purpose and let your gaze be straight before you. Consider well the path of your feet and let all your ways be established in order to right Turn, not aside, to the right hand or to the left. Remove your foot from evil.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to interject a little bit right here. You remember well. I remember when I first got hold of this, the first thing I did was go around trying to change my speech. And you can't do it because the speech does not come out of your brain, it comes out of your heart. So if you want to change your speech or your conversation or your words to where they are life and abundance and prosperity, and plentiful and healthy and medicine to your flesh.

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You've got to change your heart, and so, instead of trying to say the right thing or speak the right thing and get everybody else to talk like you talk and speak like you speak and say the right thing, which is just a futile exercise, the way to do that is to change what's in your heart. So you start putting the Word of God in your heart and what's the first thing it's going to change? The first thing it's going to change is going to change you. Now you can learn how to do this and you can go out. You can spend two hours in the Word and you've got your words down, what to say and everything else, and you can go out and the devil can trip you up in 15 seconds or less and have you confessing things that you would never should be confessing at all, even bringing up or coming out of your mouth. Hit your nail, hit your thumb with a hammer, trip over something, make some smart remark, fight back or argue or yell at somebody that happens to be God's creation too, and having the same thing If you want to change your conversation and get close to God and be a giant or be a spiritual leader, be another Apostle.

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Paul, you've got to change what's in your heart Now. The Word of God can do that you can't. But it takes time and practice and it takes you constantly feeding that Word. And when you quit and slack and watch a 30-minute television, especially if it's a junkie show, you'll destroy your Word so fast. It'll take you hours to build that Word in your heart and in less than 30 minutes you can just wipe it all out.

Speaker 1:

So you have to start over and start over and start over and then pretty soon you can memorize Bible verses. And you can memorize the verses, but if they're not coming from the heart, your mind can't comprehend it. We call that mental ascent and it doesn't work. It won't get on you. The word will not take authority over your life. Put the word of God first place in your life. Number one Make it first. Number two do what it says. Number three praise, pray in the spirit, pray in tongues.

Speaker 1:

Well, chaplain Terry, our denomination doesn't believe in tongues. Well then, find a denomination that does, because Paul said the Apostle Paul says I wish you all spoke in tongues as much as I do, but I speak in tongues more than all you guys put together. If it passed away, what was Apostle Paul doing? What was he going to say after that? I don't have words to say.

Speaker 1:

In the Spirit, god is a Spirit. We worship him in Spirit and in truth. That's got to be his words, that's got to be the Holy Spirit language, that's got to be the praise and the prayer of the Holy Spirit. Praying in tongues edifies yourself. It builds yourself up into your most holy faith. Praying in tongues gives you wisdom and insight and it keeps the devil from knowing what your plans are, knowing what you're doing and knowing what you're saying. He hears you, but he can't understand it. It is spiritually discerned Prophecy. Oh gosh. Prophecy will get you so far down the road with God that you wonder how you ever survived not having or not prophesying. And it's fun. Quit worrying about offending God or being afraid. You're going to mess up. Of course you're going to mess up. You're human, you're living in the flesh, but you're training your spirit man. That's what you're doing, and when you're training your spirit man, you're going to get right with God. Now let's look at some scriptures if you don't think that this matters.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 12, luke 6, 45. Out of abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Matthew 13,. Mark 4, luke 8, the parable of the sower. Matthew 15,. Mark 7, words that defile a man, matthew 18,. Matthew 18, verses 19 and 20, binding or loosing two or three agree. Matthew 21,. You have what you speak.

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Luke 4, verse 30, seed is you plant. Your words are a seed that you plant. Water them. Water them with what? Water them with the Holy Spirit, the words of the Holy Spirit. Mark 11,. Mountain casting in the sea. Mark 13, 31.

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Words will not pass away. Words will not pass away. Huh Well, tongues are words. They said it will not pass away. They're life, they're all their flesh and they will not pass away. So I guess it hadn't been done away with after all. Luke 12, 8. Jesus will confess your name. Luke 17, 5. Faith is a mustard seed, john 14. Ask in Jesus' name Also. Faith is a mustard seed, john 14,. Ask in Jesus' name Also. 15.16, john 15, verse 16,. John 16, verse 23. Mark 4, 30 through 32, faith is not the size of a mustard seed. The measure of faith is the same measure that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at some Proverbs on the tongue. Proverbs 4 24. Proverbs 10, 19 through 21. Proverbs 12 18. Proverbs 14, verse 23. Proverbs 15, verse 4. Proverbs 16, verse 1. Proverbs 15, verse 4. Proverbs 16, verse 1. Proverbs 17, verse 20. Proverbs 18, verses 20 and 21. Proverbs 21, verse 6. God said Let us Father, son and Holy Spirit make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame beasts and over all the earth. Psalm 104, 30,. Hebrews 1, verse 2. Hebrews 11, verse 3. So we see or comprehend that everything was created by using and speaking words, that the words come from the spirit of man and, when planted in the earth, will produce, like a seed, the same kind of fruit that the words are. It will also produce out of the heart. Matthew 15.

Speaker 1:

The Jews told Jesus that the disciples' actions of not following their ceremonial laws were making the disciples unclean or unfit to be clean before God. Jesus explained to them that washing and eating out of clean hands and clean utensils, while maybe a good practice, was not what was defiled the man. It's not what defiles him before God. Matthew 15, 17 through 20. Do you not see and understand that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is so passed out to where it discharges and are deposited. But whatsoever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what makes a man unclean and defiles him. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, reasonings and disputings and designs such as murder, adultery, sexual vice, theft, false witnessing, slander and irreverent speech. These are what makes a man unclean and defile him. But eating with unclean hands does not make him unclean or defile him.

Speaker 1:

What makes a man clean? The words of God. Jesus says my words are spirit and they are life. Confess the word of God, don't confess all that other junk Verses. To pay attention to James 3, the tongue, all villagements and keeping a careful watch over your words and above all, that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life. Put away from you false and dishonest speech and willful and contrary talk, put far from you. Consider well the path of your feet and let all your ways be established in order to right Turn, not to the right or to the left. Remove your foot from evil. That's again back us into Proverbs 4. Amos 3.3. Do two walk together, except they make an appointment and have agreed.

Speaker 1:

So now let me ask you I gave you a lot to digest today. Are you and God walking together? Are you walking by yourself, trying to get God to bless it? What steps do you need to do today to get in agreement with God? If you don't know, the first thing you need to do is get on your knees, repent and ask God to come into your heart and show you what you need to do and start speaking his words. Oh, by the way, are you aware that Jesus prays for you every day? Huh, why? Why does he do that? Look at Romans 8, 34, 1 John 2, 1.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I gave you a lot to really think about. Take and consider and study. Use this podcast over and over and over, save it, download it, whatever you have to do, but, above all things, get in the word of God, put it in your heart and let it dominate your life so that when you speak, you speak the words of Jesus and then you will have great success. It is God who gives you the power to get well. It is God who gives you the ability to be healed and heal you and have you walk in newness of life. It is God who gives you eternal life. You have a blessed day In Jesus' name amen.

Speaker 2:

The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning. When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website. If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out. Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry. Thank you so much for listening to Chaplain Terry's podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen, thank you.