Chaplain's Corner Podcast

Reflecting on Divine Guidance in the American Narrative

Chaplain Terry Warner Season 4 Episode 22

Embark with me, Chaplain Terry Warner, on a voyage through America's spiritual landscape as we discuss the Bible's fundamental impact on our nation's ethos. Proverbs 14:34 guides this journey, teaching us how righteousness can elevate a country, while sin leads to ignominy. Through the prism of history, we assess the pilgrims' pursuit of a world rooted in Judeo-Christian values, drawing from Gary DeMar's "The Case for American Christian Heritage" to understand the genesis of our principles. It's a deep exploration of how divine guidance has shaped not only our past but also the challenges we face as we strive to maintain this spiritual compass amid modern complexities.

Our mission extends beyond mere observation; as Christians, we hold a responsibility akin to following a GPS to navigate through society's moral quandaries. I share from personal experience, reflecting on my military oath to defend the nation's ideals against forces that aim to disrupt our Christian foundation. Addressing the geopolitical landscape, we turn our gaze to Israel, a crucial element in our Judeo-Christian fabric, and confront common misunderstandings about its role in the broader narrative. As the conversation unfolds, listen closely for insights on how our support for Israel aligns with upholding the values that stand at the heart of our nation's identity.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Hello friend, Chaplain Terry Warner, here I have some new updates to tell you. About. Number one, when you visit my site, "thechaplainscornernet, a drop-down menu will appear and you can sign up for my monthly newsletter. Drop-down menu will appear and you can sign up for my monthly newsletter. Your communication with me will always be private and your information will never be shared. Starting at the beginning of the podcast, I will give you the season number and the episode number. Thank you for listening. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. Please like or follow me and thank you so much for listening. Also, the "chaplainscornernet is actually now the Chaplains Corner Incorporated and is a 5013C organization. So any donations you make are tax deductible. All donations, 100% will go to the ministry and the spreading of the gospel. And now the podcast. Hello friend, chaplain Terry Warner here, the title of this podcast is, after Recalculating, it's Series 4, episode 22. It will air on May 27, 2024.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Your foundation scripture is Proverbs 14, verse 34. Proverbs 14, verse 34 says Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. Have you on occasion ignored your GPS but still arrived at your destination? Have you even argued with it? And maybe, if you knew where you were going and you had it on and you just took a different route, just tweaked the GPS, so to speak, but anyway you got to your destination. You could say you lucked out. But arriving at your destination by accident is not as serious in your car as it is in using it for the direction of a nation. Nation, chaplain, terry, you mean that a nation has a GPS? Yes, I do. Our United States, or the nation where you are living, also uses a manual or a set of boundaries that govern the spiritual direction of a nation. The GPS system for the United States of America is known by its name the Holy Bible. For the United States of America is known by its name the Holy Bible.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

When you look at the complexities of our life and the universe, it is obvious that we didn't get there by an explosion, evolution or by accident. We got to where we are today by a loving, compassionate and forgiving God, a super deity. Compassionate and forgiving God, a super deity, not by some carved out image made by human hands and tools. How revolting and despicable to think this universe, any universe and any kind of life was a result of something else besides God controlling and inducing and bringing about. We as Christians should be embarrassed and shamed that, with the eternal power and love of God, we have let our lives and nation fall into such disarray on our short journey through life that our demise could possibly happen on our watch.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

The very first document in regarding to the starting and building of the United States has this quote "For the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith. Source is the Case for American Christian Heritage by Gary DeMar. It's a book, excellent book. The pilgrims, when they landed, were starting a new era in life, a new world that had never been done before period, and it was going to be a new Christian, judeo-christian nation. I took an oath when I joined the military, stating that I would defend this nation. Now I find that, instead of fighting an armed enemy, I find that our foes are non-Christian and anti-God whose sole purpose is to destroy this Christian nation for the love of evil, greed and personal gain. Psalm 122, 1 through 9 gives us support for Israel, but especially in verse 6, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May those who love you be secure. Did you know there was never a Palestinian state or a state of Palestine? Did you know that the Palestinian charter calls for extinction of Israelis.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

The State of Israel has yet to initiate any kind of attack against its enemies and only accounts for about 0.2% of the world's population. Israel's enemies hate God and the Jewish people. Enemies hate God and the Jewish people. They're our source for our Judeo-Christian laws and values. The Israeli people are. God chose Israel and he chose the Jews, and it's his nation and it's his place on earth, which is about the size of New Jersey.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Israel is not a threat to anyone, never has been. But yet they have been attacked throughout history, mainly because of sin and disobedience and everything else. But a hatred, antiSemimitism, a hatred of the Jews is wrong. Therefore, the enemies of Israel are also the enemies of the United States, because as soon as they conquer Israel which they won't be able to do, but as soon as they try to conquer Israel, they're coming after us. Pretty tough history lesson today. But if we, as Americans, don't get out of our house in order quickly, or don't get our house in order quickly and draw closer to God, we're going to lose this country to the devil and, consequently, our world will cease to exist. I urge you to get off the couch and get on your knees, repent and ask God what you need to do to save our beloved country.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

One more item on the agenda today the Chaplain's Corner is now a 501c3 corporation. Any donations and gifts you give to it will be used for the spreading of the ministry and the spreading of the gospel, and using the ministry 100%. God is a God of peace and respect and so should you be as you deal with others. You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen. This has been Chaplain Terry Warner.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

My podcasts come out every Monday morning. When you go to my website, thechaplainscorner. net, there will be a drop-down menu for my website. If you would like to sign up for my newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out. The Chaplain's Corner is a 501c3 not-for-profit, so you can donate money and give gifts, and 100% of it will be used to spread the gospel and for ministry expenses. Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for this ministry. Well, we may pass out Bibles or buy Bibles and pass those out, things like that. It will be used wisely and not on ourselves. Thank you for listening so much to my podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord, lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name. And, by the way, you have a blessed day In Jesus' name. And, by the way, you have a blessed day In Jesus' name. Amen, thank you.