Chaplain's Corner Podcast

Recalculating: Addressing Moral Shifts and Reviving Virtues in Society

Chaplain Terry Warner Season 4 Episode 21

Embark on a journey with me, Chaplain Terry Warner, as we confront the profound moral shifts in our society and the urgent necessity for recalibration. In this week's episode "Recalculating," we delve into the powerful message of 2 Chronicles 7, exploring the critical decisions that have led us astray from the path of righteousness and godliness. As we dissect the seismic changes in family structures, the absence of prayer and scripture in schools, and the tumultuous debates surrounding abortion, we face the stark reality of our cultural and ethical voyage.

With the landscape of wokeness, cancel culture, and identity politics stretching out before us, we confront the need to foster disciplined living and reestablish the Christian and Judeo-Christian foundations within our youth. I argue passionately for the resurrection of virtues like delayed gratification and responsibility that seem to have fallen by the wayside in contemporary upbringing. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a rallying cry for courage in the face of societal challenges that too often celebrate misplaced values and heroes. Join me in this heartfelt appeal for healing our land and reviving the divine presence in our daily lives.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Music, music. This is Chaplain Terry Warner. I'm going to stop the music for a few moments so you can grab a pen and some paper for your foundation scriptures. If you can't get onto a computer because you are driving or at work, when you can get online, you will find my podcast and articles at thechaplainscornernet. Starting at the beginning of the podcast, I will give you the season number and the episode number. Thank you so much for listening. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. And now let's get going. Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner, here, the title of this message is Recalculating. It will be Season 4, episode 21, and will air on May 20, 2024. Again, the title is Recalculating. You know we have GPS's in our cars and we have the commercial. We have all probably seen about the GPS recalculating and everything because of mis-turns and misdirection and causes mayhem and sells insurance.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Your foundation scripture is 2 Chronicles 7, 10 through 16. Please excuse my speech. I've had some dental work done so I'm a little hard to understand. I'll try and talk slower. 2 Chronicles 7, starting in verse 10. I'm going to actually start in verse 11. In his own palace, the Lord appeared to him at night and said I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices. When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

If I had to pick a date for this article, I would start in 1945, at the end of World War II. We had defeated, with the help of our allies, nazism and Japan. Now was the time to start helping and rebuild the USA back to where we were before and help other countries too. We didn't want the land, we just wanted freedom. After a short period, we immediately went into growth and blessings. After a short period, we immediately went into growth and blessings. After a short period, we missed the turn toward righteousness and godliness when we shattered, altering our families by allowing women not altering. Let me back up, sorry about that. After a short period we missed a turn toward righteousness and godliness when we started allowing our families and women to move from their roles as housewives and raising and managing the homes and accounting their income so as for families to have a better lifestyle. The next missed turn was pulling prayer and Bible out of the school system. The separation of church and state was a farce and was intended to prevent a federal government from establishing its own religion. It was never in the Constitution. It doesn't say that Recalculating. Our next missed turn was the disastrous world was the most disastrous and worst of all sins, in my opinion, abortion.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Recalculating, undazed, bewildered and confused. We continued down our road of wokeness cancel culture and gender identity. We continue down our road of wokeness, cancel culture and gender identity. We quit teaching discipline. We practice freedom from morals, ethics and any kind of structure that builds on decency and capitalism. Again recalculating we love and cherish fake heroes, judge others by their bank account and their number of possessions and property they own.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Recalculating we have quit teaching the children that with growing up comes responsibility, and responsibility starts with discipline and delayed gratification. We, as parents, have neglected to train our children and teach them in Christian and Judeo-Christian principles and ethics and morals. Recalculating we have given erroneous instructions, taught them in our educational institutions, implemented them in our political and government at every level, subject to minors, to unheard of practices of mutilating flesh and all kinds of just wrongdoing. That's just flat wrong. Recalculating, however, we must accept the blame and misguided behavior because we failed to vote, failed to ensure that right thinking and responsible people are in office, we have failed to hold crime and bad behavior and other maladies at bay because we were too busy living off God's blessing and ignoring the warnings of an evil and wicked behavior, especially in America true, in all countries, but especially in America.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

We pull God out of a box like a genie and want him to bless us and do things for us and prosper us and have us be rich and so we can live in abundance. And God, for the most part, has done that. But we have turned our nose up to him, spurning him right to his face, and I tried to get it like a santa claus religion or a christmas religion or a birthday religion. When we need presents and gifts, we get all sorrowful and mournful and beg lord to heal out of his compassions and goodness he does. But at the same time there's consequences for bad behavior. There's consequences for not following Christian principles and foundations. The church has failed to teach and expose errant actions and their consequences. The teaching exposed errant actions and their consequences. Everything was posed as freedom, pleasure, blessings and prosperity, with no consequences for living a life of sin.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Now it is time for final recalculating and we find ourselves running out of time. Therefore, like it or not, if we want to see 2 Chronicles 7-10 come to pass and our land healed and this country restored back to its Judeo-Christian principles, then we have got to get back to our Judeo-Christian principles. The repentance and turnaround of this nation to be restored has got to start with the individual. As I said, like it or not, we must change our ways, repent, activate our faith in Jesus Christ to curb and destroy this wickedness of slothful activity. Stir up the gift of God in us. 2 Timothy 2, 6. Start wearing our God-given armor, and not only wearing our armor, but learning to use it effectively against the devil, not against people. We don't beat the Bible over the heads of people. It's the spirit behind all this. It's the devil. The devil comes to steal, to kill and destroy. If it steals, if it kills, if it destroys, it's not God. It's just that simple.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Another big turn we missed that required recalculation Is pulling Bible and prayer out of our schools. When you start messing with the children and you start down teaching the children, so to speak, not very good for educational speech, sorry. When you start tearing down the children and taking that structure down and start teaching a bunch of malarkey in our schools, it affects all kinds of problems and causes all kinds of problems down the road, not to mention the other things of fooling with school children. If you think this doesn't directly affect you, I urge you to get on your knees and ask God for forgiveness of your sins. Think about your children and grandchildren. Are we going to be known as the generation who passed the problems by inactivity? Are we going to be known as the generation who passed our problems by inactivity?

Chaplain Terry Warner:

We all can quote 2 Chronicles 7.14, but do we read the first part of the verse about what we need to do before God will heal our land? Friend, we have sat on the sidelines long enough. I urge you to recalculate your life. Get back in step, get back in church, get back into reading your Bible. The Word of God is your only way of escaping hell. The Word of God is the only thing that can restore. Why the Word of God? Why not the Word of Buddha? Because Jesus Christ died for our sins as a holy sacrifice, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Our other gods and other idols that we serve and worship cannot offer anything at all. There has been a name given to Jesus. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth. Jesus Christ is Lord, lord and king, whether you like it or not, and we're running out of time. The end of the age is winding down and you can see from all of the catastrophes going on and the misbehavior from going on that we are in a world of hurt and if we don't turn around and repent, he is going to return and catch us in a most unfavorable condition and we will be sentenced to hell Sooner or later. You're going to have to stand and defend yourself for your action. If you put yourself and your faith in Jesus Christ, you will inherit eternal life. If you spurn him and turn your back, you will inherit the devil and hell you will go. When you pass away, when you die, when you go to sleep. You will go to eternal rest or eternal damnation. Give your heart to Jesus Christ today Repent. Romans 10, 9 and 10 says If thou shalt confess the Lord, jesus Christ as thy Lord and Savior, and believe that God has raised him from the dead and confess with thy mouth. Let me back that up and stop it just a second. I'm misquoting it and I'm going to straighten myself out right quick, excuse me. Okay. Romans 10, 9 and 10. That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved, for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you will confess and are saved. As the scripture says, anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. That way I got it corrected. I get excited because I get to thinking about all the benefits and the wonderfulness and the kindness and the love and the compassion that Jesus has shown for me while I was a sinner and didn't deserve any of this. Friend, we have sat on the sidelines long enough. I urge you to recalculate your life and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and get back to being active for the kingdom of God. You have a blessed day in Jesus' name, amen.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

This has been Chaplain Terry Warner. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. Amen sold or given out. I have started a group on LinkedIn called the Chaplain's Corner because my podcasts and articles are being used for Bible lessons and sermon notes for home and small church groups in Pakistan and Africa and other places around the world. I am also making plans to make the Chaplain's Corner a not-for-profit so people can donate money for Bibles to be distributed in. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you.