Chaplain's Corner Podcast

Deception and Reality: Unveiling Spiritual Truth Through Biblical Insights and Contemporary Miracles

Chaplain Terry Warner Season 4 Episode 19

Are your senses truly reliable, or could they be betraying you? Step into the world of illusion and reality with Chaplain Terry Warner as we tackle the theme of deception, inspired by the teachings of Matthew 24:3-4. This isn't just another discussion; it's an exploration into the depths of biblical narratives and the sobering lessons from Noah's flood that resonate with modern skepticism. Witness the parallels drawn between ancient scoffers and today's indifferent attitudes toward prophetic events, including the second coming of Christ. Our conversation ventures beyond the surface, challenging preconceived notions with a blend of historical warnings and scriptural insights.

In an era where truth seems as elusive as ever, we uncover the irrefutable evidence of the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, supported by contemporary miracles that leave room for awe and contemplation. The discussion transitions to confront controversial topics head-on, with the moral complexities of abortion at the forefront, urging a reevaluation of the paths we tread. Through scripture, we expose common misconceptions, offering an invitation to reengage with the veracity of the Bible. Join us in this honest and provocative session designed to fortify your understanding with a foundation rooted not in deception but in spiritual truth and insight.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music. This is Chaplain Terry Warner. I'm going to stop the music for a few moments so you can grab a pen and some paper for your foundation scriptures. If you can't get onto a computer because you are driving or at work, when you can get online, you will find my podcast and articles at "thechaplainscornernet will find my podcast and articles at thechaplainscornernet. Starting at the beginning of the podcast, I will give you the season number and the episode number. Thank you so much for listening. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. And now let's get going. Hello friend, Chaplain Terry Warner here. This podcast will be season 4, episode 19. It will air on May 6, 2024, and the title of it is Deception, your foundation scripture.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

We will start with Matthew 24, 3 and 4. I apologize for the speech. I had dental surgery and so I may be a little tough on the accent. Please forgive me. Matthew 24, verses 3 and 4. Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of your coming and the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them Take heed that no man deceives you.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

We're going to talk about deception today. Have you ever been to a magic show where the magician sawed some pretty lady in half, even though she was in two places and smiling? You knew that no one could be sawed in two and survive. Your eyes deceived you into believing a magic trick. You were deceived. 2 Peter, 3 and 4. 3. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers walking after their own lusts or desires, saying when is the promise of his coming? You talk to anyone nowadays about Christ returning and you get sort of a ho-hum, shrudge-of-the-shoulders attitude and people mainly get replies well, he'll come back when he's good and ready and I'm not going to worry about it. And you use that as an excuse to ignore his coming.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Does anyone remember the flood of Noah? Of course not. We were too young for that. While we can't remember that, we have a biblical account written down Genesis 6 through 10. It took Noah around 75 years to build the ark. He was over 600 years old when the flood started and they made fun of him. They scoffed at him. There he is building an ark. It's never rained before on the earth. The water came up out of the earth and watered the stuff, watered the plants and stuff. There had been no rain and now he's building a boat. They didn't know what a boat was and so they made fun of him until it started to rain and you can imagine all of the people. Only eight people were saved, the rest beating on the ark trying to get in, but God had sealed the ark and called an end to it and decided to flood the world due to evil and actions that were just unreal.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

We have more concrete evidence if we move into the New Testament. We can now prove that Jesus Christ walked the earth and did miracles, performed miracles. We even have modern day miracles of people being healed and medically certified. The world is full of deception, but the Bible is full of truth. Is full of deception, but the Bible is full of truth. It is a known fact that Jesus died, went to hell and God, the Father, raised him from the dead, raised spotless and victorious. We have more evidence about Jesus Christ on this earth than we do about Plato and Socrates and Julius Caesar, and Julius Caesar Numbers 23, 14. God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent. Has he said and he shall not do it, or has he spoken and shall not make it good. So let's talk about ways we're deceived. The first way that I think we're deceived that really comes about is thinking everything's okay when it's not. This world's in a world of hurt and our country's in a world of hurt and we're going down paths we shouldn't be going down.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Let's bring up the subject of abortion. It's just wrong. People should have a right to live, to grow and make decisions and to live a fulfilled life and to decide what they want to do and decide where they want to go. We should not be making that decision for those who cannot make the decision on their own. Now, if you had an abortion, I understand, but God will forgive you and you were wrong. You just didn't quite understand what to do. You were deceived. God will forgive you. Ask for his forgiveness for you today. But let's look at what happens when you get abortion.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Let's look at some of the costs of abortion. We have destroyed a complete tax base in this country that could be supporting our taxes and government and everything else. By getting rid of and following through on abortions, we have denied God of children that he created and formed in the womb, of children that he created and formed in the womb. I really didn't mean to make this about abortion today, so I'll shift subjects. Let's get on.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Else how we've been deceived. We've been deceived by the media. The media by our judicial branch, our executive branch, by our legislative branch of government. All the branches Used to be politicians ran to make this country better. Now it seems they run to make this country profitable so they can make a career out of being there a few months. Politicians should never have a career of being politicians. Politicians should go and serve the country out of duty and honor and courage and to foresee this country.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Stop and think about it. The United States and Israel are basically the only two countries throughout history that have supported Israel. Why is it important to support Israel? Well, for one reason they're God's chosen people. The other reason in the Psalms it says he who blesses Israel has peace and prosperity. So, bless the people of Israel, bless Israel. That's God's land. God kept that land for himself. Out of creating the whole world, he took a space about the size a little bit larger than New Jersey. They don't even make up two percent of the population. The Jews Point two percent. They don't even make that up. At most. Maybe I misspoke, maybe two percent.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Maybe they're not a threat to anyone, and this pushing them from the sea or pushing them into the sea, that's just another way of saying they want to annihilate them. You're annihilating a whole race of people. They have been trying this for years, for years, thousands of years, and they have yet to succeed. And they won't succeed this time. And they have yet to succeed and they won't succeed this time. No-transcript.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

God doesn't lie. A building is only as strong as its weakest link, or brick. In other words, the weakest brick is going to make the building crumble. The galaxies, universes, stars, moons, planets were put there by God when he created everything, and they are eternal as long as God says they are. Excuse me, we're on the earth for about a hundred years yet. Our souls are eternal and we will go to their designated places of hell or heaven. The choice is yours to make while you are still alive. You can't make that choice after you're dead, after you pass away. It's too late to decide. So ignore the deception, the unbelieving conventional wisdom, the misinformation.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Global warming, global cooling, global, this global, that climate change, this climate change that, folks, that's been going on ever since the world was created. God created this world. Read the back of the book. We win. And the earth is not destroyed by climate. The earth is not destroyed by earthquakes. The earth is not destroyed by some kind of man-made or extracurricular activity Sorry about that. Some other external activity? Sorry about that, some other external activity? It creates by the Lord.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

The world ends and comes to a close of the age by the Lord returning for his saints, and then you enter the tribulation period. That's Bible. After the tribulation period, God comes back one more time and sets everything aright and we go into a new Jerusalem, a new heaven and a new earth. But I digress the world is not going to be destroyed by man, nor is the man going to destroy the earth. They may come close and they may try, but God is still in control. The path or the way is putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. So ignore the deception, the unbelieving conventional wisdom, the misinformation and realization. When it comes to eternity, there is only one path that you can take Romans 10, 9 and 10, that if you shall confess with your mouth that the Lord Jesus and shall believe in your heart that God is raised from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart, man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Now you can start living and quit living in deception. You have a blessed day In Jesus' name.

Chaplain Terry Warner:

This has been Chaplain Terry Warner. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. When you go to my website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu for my website. If you would like to sign up for my newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out. I have started a group on LinkedIn called the Chaplain's Corner because my podcasts and articles are being used for Bible lessons and sermon notes for home and small church groups in Pakistan and Africa and other places around the world. I am also making plans to make the Chaplain's Corner a not-for-profit so people can donate money for Bibles to be distributed in Pakistan. This venture is ripe for fraud and scams, but I will be supplying the Bibles through a legitimate Christian bookstore in Pakistan. Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for this ministry. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen, thank you.